Episode 8: Making Sense of Smell

Armin Kübelbeck, CC-BY-SA, Wikimedia CommonsSmell is a powerful thing.  In fact, some say it’s the most powerful of our senses. But it’s not a well-understood sense by any means.  Every now and again, a new study appears with a new set of categories or a new angle, but for now, the definitive answer on how smell really works remains elusive. A recent study set the number of odour categories at 10, but the YASSers think that something about it just smells off. Take a listen to find out why.

After a brief hiatus, the guys are back! Orad and Jesse introduce their new co-host Nina Pariser and discuss smell. Plus, our first legit voicemail!


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Yet Another Science Minute #1: Mpemba

Good morning Yassers!

We’re trying something new at Yet Another Science Show called our Science Minute. No time to explain it (that’s the point!) so just give her a listen and let us know what you think.

And don’t you fear – a full episode of Yet Another Science Show will be coming up in just two short weeks!

Episode 5: The light show

Philips LED bulbs. Photo by Jesse Corbeil

Philips LED lightbulbs on sale in a Canadian hardware store.

The lightbulb, right? The good old incandescent lightbulb.

Well, it’s maybe not so good anymore. Or comparatively speaking, at least. New lights that boast better energy use and less waste heat are changing the field for the better — or so some would claim. Others prefer the light and warmth offered by the old-fashioned bulb. No matter which side you’re on, the fact is that there’s more than one way to light a room, and we’re talking all about it in this episode. So settle in, give us a listen… and then maybe get in on the conversation!

Next episode

Next up: Material toughness. Continue reading

Episode 3: Paul Dirac and the Magnetic Monopole


An example of a “real” magnetic dipole found in ordinary matter, created by a current-carrying wire. Source: Wikipedia

Magnetic monopoles are one of those things that really should be real. There’s practically an empty space in physics waiting to be filled by them. But nobody’s found one yet.

In some ways, Paul Dirac was as elusive a figure as his monopoles are. Taciturn, impossible to know and sometimes downright bizarre, he nevertheless gave the world of science some of its most enduring theories and equations.

Join us for a discussion on Paul Dirac and the magnetic monopole, featuring Orad’s new microphone and Jesse’s wicked head cold.

Our next episode will be about genetic diversification, so write in or call about it if you’ve got questions you want us to answer!

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Series pilot: The Metre and Friends

Can’t figure out how many centimetres there are in an inch? Stumped by the litre? Think the kilogram is a killjoy? If so, you’re not alone — but you are in an increasingly exclusive club.

In our first episode, we introduce ourselves and discuss the metric system, from its very beginnings in revolutionary France to the world-spanning International System of Units in use today.